Account Settings

Confirming Your Subscription Status


Service description

Confirm your subscription status to see your next subscription renewal.

Confirming your subscription status from your mobile app


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  1. Select "Manage Vehicles".

  2. Confirm your subscription service's expiration date.


    If you wish to continue the subscription service automatically, discontinue the subscription, or ask about the subscription status, contact the call centre from your mobile app (refer to "Connecting from your mobile app") or phone (Within the UK: 0800-587-9833, Outside the UK: +44-208-603-9933) and request the operator for assistance.

Confirming your subscription status from the owner portal


Access website Login VEHICLE STATUS REPORT

Confirm your subscription service's status.


If you wish to continue the subscription service automatically, discontinue the subscription, or ask about the subscription status, contact the call centre from your mobile app (refer to "Connecting from your mobile app") or phone (Within the UK: 0800-587-9833, Outside the UK: +44-208-603-9933) and request the operator for assistance.